The film, Fifty shades of Grey, is the story about a young,insecure girl and a rich and powerful man.
It is the story about a real woman: insecure, weak. And a "real" man : jelaous,violent,controlling,sadistic,hypersensitive with strong mood changes,very much like a psycopath. He abuses her sexually and emotionally and that really fascinates her !!! He do not only, as the "exciting man " he is, control her sex life, but her daily life as well; telling her what to eat,what to wear etc. Her role is to satisfie him sexually,she calls herself a sex slave. She looses her capacity to think clear, to set limits, to know when to say yes or no. The film is full of sadistic sexual scenes, where she is forced to act sexually against her will. In one sex scene she is dressed like a schoolgirl with ponytales,romanticizing pedophilia. In another scene, "flirting with rape", he tells her that he will tie her up if she do not cooperate. First she NO, THEN SHE SAYS YES. In the USA the rape culture is an increasing problem,especially in student societies, based on the idea that when a girl say NO , she really means YES. Fifty shades of Grey puts gasoline into the "rape culture" fire. The film had its premiere day on Valentines day in Norway.The big day for love and romance. It glorifies sexual violence and it makes it more difficult for young girls to get to know their own sexual limits. ( Him : Say yes, its normal, everybody is doing it, do not be so old fashion..let me tie you up....She : No, I do not know, well, yes..I guess, it is nothing wrong,since everybody is doing it.. ). The problem with the film is not the sex scenes, they are not that provocatives. The problem is the IDEA behind it all, it is the old and dangerous stereotype of the woman, as weak with no control of her sexual life. It accept violence as something thrilling, normalizing violence in emotional relationships. The film is an attemt to make sexual violence romantic. iT IS RAPE WRAPPED IN EXPENSIVE DRESSES AND NICE SUITS. But hopefully, you some young female friends of me that saw the film...Feel sick after seeing it. Not sick, because the sexual scenes was to much to watch, but sick because, they want us to think that this is exiciting!!! ..THAT PLAYING WITH RAPE IS THRILLING, BECAUSE IT IS CROSSING BOARDERS, BEING FRESH...PUSHING LIMITS...BEING MODERN..FREE FROM LIMITATION. THAT PLAYING WITH RAPE IS BEING INDEPENDENT,STRONG,BEING COOL... GO ON, GIRL, JUST DO IT, YOU MIGHT LOVE IT.... FIFTY SHADES OF GREY is not a controversial film, it has all the standards for the western female and male stereotypes from the fifties combined with the porn role we were added in the ninties... So, sorry girls, there is nothing new under the sun. It is a boring film. It is the same shit in new wrapping. BUT, it will,without doubt, add more numbers to the rising rape statistics in the world, now that we know what a woman really likes... ...that makes me sick !!!.
Evy Basma
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