martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014


Por Inspiración Femenina        
Undercover Colors es una marca de laca de uñas creada por cuatro licenciados de un programa de ingeniería en materiales científicos. 

  Esta especial laca cambia de color cuando es expuesta a las drogas que más comúnmente se utilizan para para violar. Una mujer necesita simplemente introducir el dedo en la bebida para saber si ésta ha sido alterada con alguna droga.

Desde que las violaciones han empezado a aumentar en los campus de las universidades, se están buscando soluciones “discretas”, como este pinta uñas inteligente. Y esto de que se busquen soluciones discretas es, para muchos críticos, la fuente del problema de la violación.
Desde nuestro punto de vista, no creemos que el tema de la violación deba tratarse desde el sentido de que la mujer ha de ser más discreta, ni mucho menos. Sin embargo, cualquier elemento que le pueda servir para evitar ser engañada y violada creemos que puede ser de mucha utilidad. En este sentido, esta laca de uñas nos parece un gran invento. Porque además, no solamente le servirá para evitar ser violada, sino para identificar a aquellos que han tratado de drogarla y poder denunciarlos.

Aquí os dejamos un artículo del New York Times en donde explica con detalle esta polémica.

Why a New Nail Polish Cannot Gloss Over Rape Culture
August 28, 2014 5:00 am
Undercover Colors is a brand of nail polish developed by four recent graduates of North Carolina State University’s materials science and engineering program. The special lacquer changes color when exposed to common date-rape drugs — a woman need only casually dip a painted finger in her drink to know if it’s been tampered with.
“Although a little odd, it does sound like a pretty good idea,” admits Adam Clark Estes at Gizmodo. And while it’s only the latest start-up to approach “the growing problem of rape — especially rape on campus,” previous anti-rape products have been “bulky” and difficult to employ discreetly. “Smart nail polish,” Mr. Estes explains, “just seems like an easier solution.”
Its subtlety appears to be a selling point. Undercover Colors “emphasizes empowerment through discretion,” writes Isha Aran at Jezebel.
But this, according to a number of critics, is precisely the problem.
“Anything that puts the onus on women to ‘discreetly’ keep from being raped misses the point,” says Jessica Valenti at The Guardian. “We should be trying to stop rape, not just individually avoid it.”
A number of observers in the feminist community have made similar remarks — that Undercover Colors, while potentially a short-term, practical solution to preventing individual assaults, ultimately shifts culpability from offenders to victims. The proliferation of anti-rape products like Undercover Colors is, in this way, similar to policing women’s dress.
Ms. Valenti explains: “Prevention tips or products that focus on what women do or wear aren’t just ineffective, they leave room for victim-blaming when those steps aren’t taken. Didn’t wear your anti-rape underwear? Well what did you expect?”
Jenny Kutner at Salon raises another line of questioning  — namely, is it ethical for the business community to be “profiting from rape prevention”? She writes, “Is this really a market we should continue to applaud entrepreneurs’ (notably male ones) tapping into? Or might these resources be better allocated trying to teach people not to rape?”
Maya Dusenbery, the executive editor of Feministing, agrees, adding: “Date rape drugs, like Rohypnol, Xanax, and G.H.B., are not used to facilitate sexual assault all that often. While exact estimates vary, it’s safe to say that plain old alcohol is the substance most commonly used in drug-facilitated rape.” Exaggerating the statistical likelihood of this particular form of rape may, in effect, lend users a “false sense of security,” she explains.
Targeting the issue of drug-induced date rape, regardless of its prevalence, treats the effects of rape culture, not its root causes, writes Tara Culp-Resser for Think Progress. “It would likely be more effective to focus on larger efforts to tackle the cultural assumptions at the root of the campus sexual assault crisis,” she says. “Like the idea that it’s okay to take advantage of people when they’re drunk.”
Ms. Culp-Resser spoke with Alexandra Brodsky, a founder and co-director of Know Your IX, a “survivor-run, student-driven campaign to end campus sexual violence,” according to its website. “One of the reasons we get so excited about these really simple fixes is because it makes us feel like the problem itself is really simple,” Ms. Brodsky explains. “But I really wish that people were funneling all of this ingenuity and funding and interest into new ways to stop people from perpetuating violence, as opposed to trying to personally avoid it so that the predator in the bar rapes someone else.”
A systemic problem requires a systemic approach. “So long as it isn’t me isn’t an effective strategy to end rape,” Jessica Valenti adds. “Undercover Colors’ polish and products like it only offer the veneer of equality and safety. And that’s simply not good enough.”

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